The church of Gravaliotissa of the Lilies and the Archangels is located in the small mountain village of Pastra and is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. On August 15th the feast of the Assumption is celebrated on Kefalonia and this particular church plays an important role in the celebrations drawing many visitors and tourists from all over the world to witness a ‘miracle’.

Five months previous to this celebration parishioners from the local village take fresh lilies to the church on the day of the Annunciation where the flowers are left without water and gradually dry completely. The flowers are left this way until August 15th and when they are given water fresh buds appear and the lilies are miraculously resurrected. The priest performs a liturgy on the feast of the Assumption and the flowers are distributed amongst the parishioners.

Read about our visit to the celebrations of Virgin Mary on August 15th, here.