Visiting Ithaca from Kefalonia is easy. You can get a daily tour from Agia Efimia and Sami or take the ferry with your car and stay there for a night or two or even more if you have the time.
I believe that 3 days are enough to explore the island as it is the smallest of the Ionian islands after Paxoi.

Worldwide famous as the home of Odysseus, Ithaca symbolises the return to the haven and this is the way it will make you feel from the first minute you will come here.
Peaceful and green, Ithaca offers to visitors a beautiful landscape, ideal for hiking, snorkelling and diving and some unique beaches with amazing crystal clear waters.
For the last 5 years, in the first half of August a great festival is taking place in the parking space of the beautiful port of Kioni, hosting important names of the contemporary Greek Music Scene
Take a small taste of my video and photos of the 5th Festival that was completed a few days ago.
Transportation from Sami port is arranged during the dates of the festival for those wanting to travel from Kefalonia to participate in this event.

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