The Harakas Bridge above Myrtos actually looks like a road but is essentially a bridge, a steel structure capable of withstanding seismic activity through movement.
In 2014 a substantial part of the main coastal road from Argostoli to Fiskardo collapsed just above Myrtos Beach (near the viewpoint at the Assos side) leaving just one lane in which traffic could pass. The road had subsided after a large earthquake due to being located directly on top of a tectonic fault.
Situated on a steep slope with a high risk of landslides and frequent seismic activity the solution to the problem became a difficult and impressive operation. A simple road reconstruction would not be safe in the area so a more technical solution was found. The Harakas Bridge project began in September 2013 and due to the complicated nature of the problem took until June 2017 to complete. During this period traffic was diverted to the opposite side of the island making it very inconvenient for those wishing to reach Assos and Fiskardo from Argostoli and the Paliki region.

The Harakas Bridge above Myrtos may look like a road but is actually a bridge, a steel structure capable of withstanding seismic activity through movement. The total length of the bridge reaches 80 meters and is the only one in Europe, if not the world. You will cross it if you travel via the coast between Myrtos and Assos and probably never realise it!